On Friday, his three receptions included a 74-yard score from Mirer.
He added that when a reception celebrating the journey included platters of seafood, she was incensed.
The reception includes dramatic entrances by the bride and the groom with special effects, speeches, and other performances.
The reception for 400 guests included figures from the political, entertainment, and fashion worlds.
The reception will include a band concert and tours of the center and the city.
The reception included relatives of the refugees who are living in Greece and are members of Rainbow Party.
The reception does not include any random activities, but follows a strict order of events.
A reception next Sunday from 4 to 6 P.M. will include a storytelling session for children at 4:30, and admission is free.
The first reception at the Hayes White House included wine.
The reception included local touches, like wine from Long Island, the beer from Brooklyn.