On a recent workday, businessmen gulped down lunch as topless women sashayed back and forth on a yard-high stage.
The appeal of the facility was obvious on a recent workday, when a crowd was waiting outside the front door for the 11 A.M. opening, and patrons raced to computer terminals to do their research.
The mood of some of the strikers, all members of Local 85 of the Amalgamated Transit Union, seemed increasingly subdued on a recent workday.
In the engine room, sitting in front of a computer panel on a recent workday, was Micha Wisniewski, a machinery technician third class.
"Every child is my sacred cause," Dr. Hopkinson said during a break in a recent workday.
One recent workday, Ms. Chaiken was in her Los Angeles office watching dailies.
Only then did she realise that, her actions automatic that morning, she had forgotten to scrape her hair back in its comparatively recent workday knot.
As Mr. Ptak walked toward the showers at the end of one recent workday, his attitude exemplified the Silesian motto: Once a miner, always a miner.
On a recent workday at the museum, Mr. Keene was churning out art behind a sign proclaiming, "more than 70,000 sold," a total that includes exhibitions nationwide.
Five hours into a recent 16-hour workday, Sgt. Christopher Figliola echoed a sense among those dressed in gray that the inmates are the ones who now exhibit a sense of entitlement.