The troops would be sent to try to help the interim Iraqi government to stem rising violence and to compensate for Spain's recent withdrawal of its forces.
Thanks to their relatively recent withdrawal from service several of these locomotives have been preserved.
It is against this background that we must see the recent withdrawals of a number of analgesics from the market in Britain.
I could check on Mo's bank account to see if there were any recent withdrawals.
Uprooted orange groves, collapsed buildings, ripped-up roadways are all evidence of what was before the recent withdrawal.
Mr. Harshbarger said the recent withdrawal from the negotiations of two of the major tobacco companies was one motivation for his decision.
There didn't appear to be any recent withdrawals.
The immediate cause of this was Pyongyang's recent unilateral withdrawal from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
He spoke powerfully, I would argue, about what he described, somewhat tactfully, as the uncomfortable truths that endure, even after the recent withdrawal.
We will also express our disappointment over Russia's recent withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty.