"I'm a slave to my work," said the artist, whose most recent vacation was a weekend in Bath a year and a half ago.
In the refrigerator were his two last cans of Coors, bought by a buddy on a recent vacation.
According to People, Timberlake popped the question during a recent vacation.
Patrons are greeted not only by name but often also with questions about family or a recent vacation.
I read her book during a recent vacation which provided a rare opportunity to read for the pure pleasure of reading.
One day during a recent vacation I woke up to discover seven children in the house.
President Clinton and his family spent much of a recent vacation on Coronado's beach.
On a recent vacation, our rental-car reservation was not honored because the location had no cars available.
"What sort of acquaintances did you cultivate during your recent vacation?"
So, for our most recent vacations, we have rented houses, enjoying the borrowed atmosphere of a stranger's home.