Secondly, as my most recent tweet tried to explain, I'm talking about some strict techie details, not about how and whether Backblaze is trustworthy.
Given your recent tweet regarding the word 'feisty', I take it that is what you meant when describing the mare :)?
Within an hour, Belvedere issued an apology that stated that the company was "apologizing to any of our fans who were offended by our recent tweet," which garnered negative reactions.
Apparently, the game even gets the Penny Arcade seal of approval, based on a recent tweet from Gabe.
Salmon Rushdie follows Jeanette Winterson who follows Susan Hill who follows Allan Massie who follows Alexander McCall Smith (recent tweet: "Lunch in London with Craig Brown and AN Wilson: both of them extremely amusing.")
But people of color say it as well, such as Rihanna herself in this recent tweet.
Still, his recent tweet is accurate.
A recent tweet:
However, many people thought he put his foot in his mouth with the recent tweet in the aftermath of the death of "Jackass" star, Ryan Dunn.
The Nitro HD's own Twitter widget, displaying the most recent tweet it can see... from a week ago.