Mr. Ader said recent trading had been dominated by professional traders who are only jockeying for position.
In recent trading, gold has closed near the highs of the day, often opening higher the next morning.
One thing the auditors will be examining, according to the company, is the recent trading in the company's stock.
In its recent trading update, Yule said that earnings for the first quarter were "well ahead" of the same period last year and demand was solid.
If recent trading of a few stocks is any indication, investors should ask a new question: What's the chance the boss will get dumped?
Some buyers are picking up less well-known companies and technology stocks that had been pulled down in recent trading.
Most of the recent trading, she said, has been psychological.
This is one reason the long bond has outperformed other Treasury securities in recent trading.
Based on recent trading in Wachovia's stock, investors seem pessimistic about the possibility of a higher bid.
It is unlikely that a potential purchaser will be interested if the Information memorandum contains no information on recent trading.