The road, still gluey from the recent thaw and the spring rains, was strewn with debris and shattered bodies.
The recent political thaw in Eastern Europe, possibly leading to an import boom for which Austria is well positioned, has also helped stocks, she said.
The recent thaw in military relations is also partly the result of United States pressure for heightened anti-drug efforts here.
The recent thaw may have relieved New York streets of much ice and snow, but it has created havoc along the city's waterways.
The recent thaw in East-West tensions has made such a strike more unlikely.
After the recent thaw it was dry and frosty.
Despite the recent thaw, Taiwanese officials complain that Beijing has kept increasing the number of short-range missiles aimed at Taiwan.
Nevertheless, I welcome the recent thaw in relations.
With the recent thaw in East-West relations and corresponding projections of military cutbacks, Mr. Gejdenson suddenly finds his views more popular.
The snow, which had been with us most of the winter, had been erased by a recent thaw.