Faldo's greatest threat could be his recent tendency to give away leads.
My sole aim is to explain the column's recent tendency to read as though written by someone who had just swallowed a book of quotations.
There has also been a recent tendency in Bordeaux to make earlier-maturing wines.
P.&G.'s move to increase compensation runs against the recent tendency among advertisers to force their agencies to accept lower fees.
The recent tendency has been to seek a middle way.
The recent tendency to shorten town and city names in Irish has led to some confusion.
But winning half of their games is a sign of progress for a team with a recent tendency to win much fewer than that.
The clue lies in the recent tendency among young women to wear skirts over pants.
There has been a recent tendency in "Salome" productions to bring forward the work's reflection of its audience by using early-20th-century costumes.
I think there's been a recent tendency for geneticists to believe they are doing deep science when they look at race, genes and disease.