One recent summer, in fact, I (nearly) conquered the heat by relying solely on my ingenuity.
But in contrast to recent summers, we weren't about to pursue what had come to be a fairly warped version of time off.
In recent summers, it has taken a real search to find a bathing suit that wasn't on the scanty side.
Every recent summer has been one of discontent for the broadcast networks.
She says she is doing something she has not had enough of in recent summers: having fun.
On a recent warm summer night, 11 clients were enrolled in the night program.
On either side o' the river the land slopes gently upwards, green from the recent summer rains.
On a recent summer day, I thought to pack a light lunch.
CBS will broadcast five new series this summer, more than in any recent summer.
During a recent summer the writers visited and interviewed more than 50 vegetable gardeners throughout the Midwest.