Dr. Miles said he once, while teaching a class of medical students, brought up the recent suicide of one of their classmates.
It was the 20th and most recent suicide at which Dr. Kevorkian had been present since 1990.
The dangers of this approach were underscored by the recent suicides at Guantánamo.
A lengthy conversation between the waiters ensues, beginning on the topic of the old man's recent suicide.
The tragic consequences of this behavior have received national attention following several recent dramatic suicides.
Asking too many questions about recent suicides, seemed to be snooping around the files.
Toby was also affected by the recent suicide of his brother, who was diagnosed with cancer.
The story revolves around a family who is grieving over their mother's recent suicide.
"Is it possible," said he, "that you have been waiting to - to take me in charge, so to speak, on account of my recent suicide?"