In a recent snowstorm, she said, a young man with asthma went to her office to pay for a $20 influenza vaccination.
This very same expectant father talked my husband into going to a movie theater 30 minutes away - just hours after a recent snowstorm.
The recent snowstorms brought out the best in many Washingtonians.
But the poor plant was buried by the recent snowstorm.
Turn around and look for the old apple tree, broken in a recent snowstorm, the last survivor of a pre-Revolutionary orchard.
During a recent snowstorm, it took me two hours to get the driveway clear.
During the recent snowstorms, they operated salt spreaders and drove pickup trucks with plows.
Last week, during an interview at the family center, Naomi thought back to a recent snowstorm.
Mr. Meyer said the disaster had caused less widespread disruption than some recent snowstorms.
On the night of a recent snowstorm, I was alone on the corner after the woman there first got her cab.