But Milbury said that the move was made weeks ago and that it was no excuse for the team's recent showing.
They were visible in the recent showings as the third part of a three-piece suit or alone with shorts, pants or skirts for casual wear.
Their recent strong showing followed a year in which they were big money losers.
The most recent showing was in 2008, on the occasion of 90th anniversary formation of Czechoslovakia.
The 7-year-old who sat next to me during a recent showing said, "This is really scary."
Note that this rule was applied during the recent showing of the $500 million (or possibly $600 million) Stealth bomber.
The shootings evoked applause in the theater at a recent showing.
And judging by comments overheard at a recent showing, the audience wasn't there only to follow the plot.
A recent showing of her work took place at The Nunnery Gallery in London.
With the party's recent poor showing in public opinion polls, the leader is increasingly being seen as a liability.