These officials argue that the recent shipment was initiated some time ago and simply took long to transfer.
The recent shipment of missiles raises a question about how effective an arms embargo would be.
"We have just received the recent shipment of books from your organization and cannot express out thanks," the volunteer wrote.
To support that charge, the subcommittee staff cited anecdotal evidence of a recent shipment to Iran of a "high-tech" computer worth almost $1 million.
He hasn't moved some goods from the most recent shipment yet, and he apologizes.
Mr. Millar said recent shipments had been at the rate of two or three a month.
These men were the customers who had received recent shipments of Pyrolac.
He hasn't made any recent shipments.
However, their most recent shipment was incomplete, two of the crates lost in a shipwreck and believed to be located on a nearby island.
One relief worker said a recent shipment to Macedonia contained drugs due to expire within a few months.