This year, while the wounds from the recent rioting are still raw in Los Angeles, all seems calm here.
During the recent rioting, the army had to borrow a water cannon from the police in Jerusalem for use in the Gaza Strip.
To Mr. Nouvel this is not dead history, as recent rioting by immigrants on Paris's outskirts has shown.
On March 14, 2009 Akron experienced its most recent rioting.
Hundreds of people attend a protest in the Ardoyne area of north Belfast to call for an end to the recent rioting.
During the recent rioting, its reports proved to be generally reliable.
Even before the recent rioting, which began April 29, talk of a cease-fire was spreading among gang members appalled at the fratricidal killings among black men.
The Riadys, their friends say, are concerned about the anti-Chinese edge to some of the recent rioting in Indonesia.
The chorus of "UK 82" was changed to "LA 92" to reflect the recent rioting.
"The earthquake is a metaphor for the shifting political, cultural, societal and economic ground," she said, referring to the recent rioting and the three-way Presidential race.