Kodak announced last week its most recent reorganization, an effort to cut costs and enhance digital operations, which now account for 80 percent of revenue.
Under a recent reorganization, the Chairman has more power than the other service chiefs.
The plan has changed many times, with the most recent major reorganization undertaken in March 2002.
Mr. Lacava lost his position in a recent reorganization and was expected to leave.
Since the recent administrative reorganization of the area, Miano is part of the 10th community board.
He says that not even the recent reorganization of Hungarian banks, designed to force them to get tough with unprofitable corporate customers, has helped.
Under a recent reorganization, some intermediate schools have been divided into smaller units.
He said the decision was prompted by the recent reorganization of ITT into three companies.
Panhandle Eastern, which recorded a substantial loss last year, is described as "the only pure natural gas pipeline play after its recent reorganization."
The strategy also reflects a recent reorganization within the company to emphasize markets over technology.