But, despite the claims of some, the recent proliferation of bike lanes doesn't appear to have had much to do with this welcome development.
After years in which pedicabs were seen only as rare curiosities, the city has taken notice of their recent proliferation.
To confuse matters further, the recent proliferation of new medical technologies has meant that today there are more ways than ever to treat a disease.
He added that the recent proliferation of new minor league teams "amounted to a boon."
As a result, there has been a recent proliferation of studies seeking to explain international differences in strike activity.
But the recent proliferation of spy satellites, he said, has created "a lot more pressure to deny people the use of space for gathering information."
But with the recent proliferation of telecommuting, more employees will be seeking to take the deduction.
Despite a recent proliferation of performances worldwide, the opera has not yet been shown in China.
Now, with the recent proliferation of steakhouses, diners may not have to go so far.
Take the recent proliferation of "heart bills."