Sam's most recent profile is directed toward men and women both and states that she's interested only in friendship.
"Need is my most important teacher," he said in a recent profile.
A quick anecdote that never made it into my recent profile of Peter Orszag, Obama's budget director.
"I assume you have done a recent psychological profile on me," he said.
According to a recent profile in the Washington Post.
He was tall, thin, a young forty-three, with striking features Cindy recognized from his book jackets and recent profile in Entertainment Weekly.
That role, in turn, led to a recent profile on the cover of The National Law Journal.
In a recent profile, the Paris daily Liberation said, "She belongs to the people."
More recent and high profile changes - including such major cities as Calcutta to Kolkata, have generated more controversy.
One recent profile highlighted an Oceanside resident who works as a veterinary technician.