In New York State, officials said, the plan may be realistic but only because of the Legislature's recent pledge of $225 million.
But Republicans, and even some Democrats, were shocked by his recent ambitious pledge to help raise $50 million for Democrats before the November election.
Those efforts will be aided by the recent pledge of nearly $600,000 from the Republican Governors Association specifically designated for voter-turnout operations.
Yet how much more in cuts could the President accept without making his recent pledges to protect the elderly look hollow?
For all their recent pledges of bipartisanship, Republicans and Democrats are headed for an ideological showdown over how best to revive the economy.
But the Bears demonstrate that teams' recent pledge to draft fewer players with question marks rings hollow.
The latest reports stand in the face of recent pledges made by world leaders.
He cited the Emir's recent pledge to hold elections next year and to consider voting rights for women.
As such, they conflict with many senators' recent pledges to close the tax gap, the estimated $300 billion in taxes that are owed but unpaid.
Despite a recent pledge by the International Monetary Fund to provide Thailand with a $17 billion rescue package, a sense of crisis has grown.