Yet Microsoft's recent overture has left no doubt that it, too, intends to expand its position.
The Bush administration should then not express surprise that Kim Jong Il dismissed the United States' most recent overtures as a "sham."
In a turnaround from his recent overtures to immigrant voters, especially Hispanic ones, Mr. Gingrich supported the decision to eliminate the food stamp provision.
The recent overtures, Mr. Vicente predicted, were signs the president was moving toward creating "a stable environment in terms of taxes, pricing, norms and regulations."
The meeting was part of a series of recent overtures by the North to the United States, Japan and South Korea.
It was striking because of recent overtures to Catholic leaders by the Communist leadership for support of Government efforts toward change.
Regardless of recent overtures by Seoul and Washington, officials in Pyongyang may still consider the eagerness of Western companies to do business there as a threat.
The shared hostility between the prince and the press makes his office's recent overtures to the American news media here all the more unusual.
But the Ayatollah, the most powerful figure in Iran, also praised President Mohammed Khatami and his recent overture to the American people.
Russia has sharply criticized recent overtures to eastern countries by NATO and, to a lesser extent, by the European Union.