The deal, made possible be the recent overhaul of telecommunications laws, will form the nation's seventh-largest television holding company.
It has recently returned to traffic after its most recent overhaul in 2007.
A recent $13 million overhaul of the facility was completed without interruption to the water supply.
And it encouraged Corning executives to keep their effort alive during a recent overhaul of research operations.
The crash happened 138 flight hours after the most recent overhaul.
Right now it was probably working even better than usual, thanks to its recent overhaul.
Not only have government programs been cut back, but further reductions lie ahead because of the recent overhaul of the welfare system.
In response to prior years allegations of poor performance, the agency has gone through a recent major overhaul in how it operates.
The impetus for the switch is the recent overhaul of local government.
As a consequence most of them received relatively recent overhauls.