I searched these palatial chambers most carefully and found no trace of any recent occupant.
Save for a half-smoked cigar, there was no trace whatever of its recent occupant.
Fortunately, the limo's recent occupants had been since transported to the morgue.
The most recent occupants had been two divisions of German infantry plus several squadrons of light cavalry.
But for a recent occupant of No 11 to go this far was sensational indeed.
Did the gurney behind me hold room three's recent occupant?
I can hear the most recent occupants pretty clearly - they obviously hated the thought of exposed wooden beams and brickwork.
Its most recent occupants had been human.
For a long moment, I studied the truck; battered, anonymous, warm engine, smell of recent human occupants.
The door to the solitary tank was still open, empty of its recent occupant, the Inuit boy.