Inside the top desk drawer was the front section of a recent newspaper.
How awkward a place he is in is debatable, given a recent newspaper poll indicating that 70 percent of the state population agrees with him.
At least some of the troops said they had been told by their leaders not to read recent newspapers or watch television news.
Mr. Coelho would like to move up to majority leader, but recent newspaper accounts about a questionable bond deal have made his course less certain.
Images are often obviously doctored file photographs or images from recent newspapers.
They'd checked recent newspapers in the library to get the dates straight.
Mine is long gone, so I bought one last week after seeing it recommended in recent newspaper and magazine articles.
Seeing her things: a Burberry umbrella, Otis's food bowl, a stack of recent newspapers.
According to citations in recent newspapers and magazines, to gump through life is to make one's way by means of dumb luck.
"Did you find any recent newspapers or magazines?"