But a recent internal memorandum prepared by a public relations company that represents the industry found "diminished support and mounting opposition" to the June accord.
Mr. Miller, in his recent memorandum and in the interview, pointed to the recently developed Collegiate Learning Assessment test as a breakthrough.
According to the Times report, the 2005 Justice Department opinions remain in effect, and their legal conclusions have been confirmed by several more recent memorandums.
The Bush administration acknowledged the problem in a recent memorandum to insurers.
A recent memorandum from the Department of Veterans Affairs urged the department not to advertise its services, as a way of keeping costs down.
"The private sector of the economy will soon be stone dead," a longtime American resident wrote in a recent memorandum to friends in official Washington.
Dr. Green noted the allegations in a recent memorandum to all district superintendents and school principals.
'But would you say that, sir, even in the light of General Peckem's recent memorandum on the subject of appropriate military attire in combat areas?'
In a recent memorandum, Medicare officials told insurers to add the "missing drugs or dosage forms" to their lists of covered drugs.
She also said the officers were under standing departmental instructions, repeated in a recent memorandum, to cooperate with outside investigations.