His purpose, he said in a recent memoir, was to deepen understanding between the two peoples and their Governments.
Many of the recent memoirs are by bodyguards or assistants to the leaders, and their recollections are generally very favorable.
The title of his most recent memoir, "Off Camera," suggests that there is life beyond the studio.
It's no news, of course, that so many recent memoirs, good and bad, well or execrably written, deal with hurt and healing.
One recent memoir, though, did survive except for a page in the middle which was just plain missing.
Its deliberate indiscretions exceed any to be found in the recent memoirs of European secret agents.
In this world, two relatively recent memoirs by young men have been favorably received.
It is one of four recent political memoirs to sell more than two million copies.
Even some recent memoirs examine lives that are still in early progress.
Didion doesn't explicitly condemn the confessional tendency of recent memoir.