Perhaps we could now move on to the question of Sir Conrad's recent involvement in the club's affairs?
Does his wife's recent involvement in politics stem from her knowledge of his romance with Hannah?
After his recent involvement in one of their plots, the Knights of the Shield can be considered an enemy.
The most significant recent involvement from Australian peacekeeping troops is in the newly formed country of East Timor.
For a discussion of recent human involvement in climatic changes, see Attribution of recent climate change.
The forest has been the scene of extensive illegal marijuana cultivation, with recent involvement of Mexican drug cartels.
It is threatened by habitat loss which stems from recent human involvement in its natural habitat.
The company's most recent involvement is on the 2011 release World of Tanks (PC).
His most recent involvement with the Four A's had been as a director at large from 1989 to 1992.
"There is no evidence of any recent involvement by him," one official said.