Like warring countries blaming one another for the collapse of a cease-fire agreement, each candidate has accused someone else of starting the most recent hostilities.
And Israel legislators, citing the recent hostilities, have now proposed a ban on Palestinian gas imports.
I can't understand the recent hostility toward you people..." He was gone.
Given India's recent hostilities with Pakistan, the country is equipping itself for both conventional and nuclear warfare, with a substantial military budget.
Despite the recent hostilities, he is welcomed back into the community and resumes his teaching.
The plants to do that were in the news when they were endangered during the recent hostilities.
As regards the displaced and the homeless, the authorities themselves have not yet been able fully to assess the impact of the recent hostilities.
The university will seek to determine the financial consequences of the recent hostilities after some calm is restored.
"I simply wish to ascertain whether she survived the recent hostilities."
The peace process has broken down in the region because of the recent hostilities.