Many of you are aware of my recent foray into presidential politics.
Best known for his more recent forays into contemporary music, he has behind himself a 20 year career on the stage.
Clients aren't exactly breaking down the doors to get in; in a recent foray, I was one of two.
Here we present the results of a few of our recent such forays.
Warming my hands, I considered my recent foray into the supernatural.
But a recent foray into the art market, the authorities said, has landed her back in jail.
My most recent foray into lying en route happened this past summer.
But his recent forays into the garbage, he said, were driven primarily by financial insecurity.
That's because they didn't win it in any of their previous recent forays into October.
My wife and I proved it by blowing about $150 in a recent two-day foray.