It appears that their more recent exploits have concentrated on the city of Århus, Denmark.
Here are just some of the most recent exploits that they have used.
Lemieux's most recent exploits - nine goals and one assist in the last 10 games - had helped the Penguins recover from a 1-5-2 start.
They were seated about the table, helping themselves to drinks while they bragged of their recent exploits.
They knew of her recent exploits and were eager to discuss them.
Stott was not allowed to return to Greece following his recent exploits in the country.
The coach immediately called everyone to center ice again and ordered everyone to leave and go watch videos of their recent exploits.
In truth, Regis was quite proud of his recent exploits.
I have been following your recent exploits with considerable interest, Retief.
Very remarkable, considering that they had not been highly rated in the underworld until their recent exploits.