Police have identified the suspect as Jake Simms, Jr., a recent escapee from the Clarion County Jail, but so far no one has stepped forward to name his hostage.
I was in Costa Rica at the time, a recent escapee from a New York law firm, living in a jungle hut and learning to write fiction.
Astronomers believe that centaurs are recent escapees from the Kuiper belt, a zone of small bodies orbiting in a cloud at the distant reaches of the solar system.
They arrested two men, one of them a recent escapee from a mental institution, to which he had been committed in 1993 after murdering two Americans and a Frenchman.
Mr. Fautre said that over the last 18 months, he and his volunteers had interviewed 35 recent escapees from North Korean camps.
Abdulkarim has heard of Jorge, the recent escapee.
The most recent escapees say that Paul Schaefer is still in the Colonia.
Floods last year made an already bad food problem critical; recent escapees have reported incidents of starvation.
A single alien amphibian is known in Scotland, the Alpine Newt, a recent escapee confined to the Edinburgh area.
Maybe, if she was a recent escapee, she had never learned how to fish well.