Steve Carlton is said to have had the best curveball in the recent modern era.
Prosperity and a recent era of global peace has made its citizens willing to trade their rights for comfort and security.
Some exceptions to what is stated above in recent eras.
He alluded to the recent era of protest against apartheid by black students, during which test results have declined.
But the novel is also about the more recent era of rock-and-roll celebrity.
"Well, anyhow, you really don't need me in a more recent human era like 1941."
Historians and sociologists call the recent era modern life.
His particular interest was the Quaternary period, the most recent geological era, roughly the last 1.8 million years.
The museum restores, maintains and displays buses from the 1920s to recent eras.
That changes in more recent eras, suggesting a gradual loss of water planet-wide.