More recent enhancements to the language (most notably in Microsoft's Visual Basic environment) have made it suitable for writing small applications for Windows.
A recent enhancement to Xsight is Xsight-Lung which allows tracking of some lung tumors without the need to implant fiducial markers.
'Theresa, please show our guests our recent enhancements to satellite surveillance.'
Though Lala's redesign today is not quite revolutionary, it tops off a series of recent enhancements that maintain the company's position at the forefront of the Web music market.
"Before additional corporate governance requirements are legislated," it said, "the administration believes that recent enhancements should be given time to take effect."
The most recent enhancement has been the replacement of the metal bridge between the towers with a wooden one, more in keeping with the Burgundian style.
The recent enhancement of teachers' salaries and benefits, without a corresponding improvement for administrators, has dramatically closed the economic gap between the two groups.
The School's most recent enhancement has been the construction of a new Science Centre, once of the most advanced centres of scientific learning available in the independent sector.
Both are lurching toward the brink of possibility, thanks to recent enhancements in the power tools of molecular biology.
Like many recent enhancements of church doctrine and practice, it is described as belonging to a postmodernism trend in thinking within the church.