The firm's recent emergence in this market has sparked some criticism.
That competition has heated up considerably with the recent emergence of China as a new contender in manufacturing.
The recent emergence on television of unmistakably Jewish characters is hardly an orchestrated development.
As the recent emergence of Web 2.0, folksonomies began to appear.
Analysts have said the company's recent emergence from bankruptcy has made it more vulnerable to a takeover.
The recent emergence of nonprofit journalism may lead some to believe that this is a new trend in a struggling industry.
Also fueling the speculation that there may be more acquisitions this year has been the recent emergence of some new players in the field.
The uniqueness is its recent emergence and serious threat to the cave painting.
Despite the recent emergence of facilities which offer private "advanced" medical services, modern diagnostic equipment and even basic supplies are still lacking.
The motion specifies that this practice is a recent emergence.