Near the pigpen, laundry hung on a clothesline, the clothes dripping from a recent downpour.
The air was moist and oppressive from a recent tropical downpour.
The confluence was just over thataway, down a farmer's road rutted by tractor tires and and made squishy by a recent downpour.
But during a recent downpour, one guard was momentarily taken aback by a request from a rain-soaked man.
The building had reportedly been in a state of disrepair made worse by recent torrential downpours.
ANI said the building had been in a state of disrepair made worse by recent torrential downpours.
The weather forecast was not too bad, either, except that the heavy recent downpours might lead to the cracking of some water, or even gas, mains.
During a recent downpour, only a few hundred troops could be found, many of them young and untested.
The driver swung his rig in a final semi-circle, stopping amidst the puddled remains of the recent downpour.
Evidence of the recent downpour was vanishing rapidly and the streets steamed.