But the Oilers are staying here, thanks to recent concessions from the Astrodome.
O.D.S.'s recent concessions, such as to a single currency - temporarily - were made only to speed that "fast, painless divorce" they so badly want.
Well, he did make one recent concession, he admitted, as a friend approached and congratulated him on the shaving of his goatee.
President Gorbachev, meanwhile, has backed away from recent concessions on cruise missiles.
Stephen Hawking's recent concession that black holes do not irretrievably eradicate information after all has garnered much attention.
Although we accept the Government's recent concessions go some way to meeting the concerns expressed at second reading, we believe an additional amendment is crucial.
Google's recent concessions to restrictive carrier demands, which are clearly helping the platform gain ground, show that the search giant is beginning to accept the realities of the market.
The measure was proposed by Mr. Gorbachev in tandem with his recent concession that the Communist Party might consider yielding its constitutional monopoly on power.
As part of the regime's recent concessions to Kurds, he had obtained Syrian citizenship.
The union was hoping its most recent concessions, including agreeing to a maximum salary for players with at least 10 years' experience, would prompt the league to negotiate further.