If Mozambique succeeds, it could help reverse the Western fatalism about Africa created by recent calamities like Rwanda's and Somalia's.
Today, as we ride the spiritual downdraft of recent calamities, it's hard to imagine booking a flight merely because it won't cost anything.
That starts a discussion that ends with a request that the children draw a picture of what they experienced in their own recent calamity.
Restoration and Rectification was a spell which reversed the effects of a recent calamity.
In true comic fashion, Fasaud blamed Dunbar for all of his recent calamity, and attempted to kill Dunbar with a knife during a television broadcast.
Then again, maybe it would be worse for television shows to include our recent calamity in their scenarios.
The recent calamities seem a permanent guarantee against anyone here getting too comfortable.
Others with more substantial incomes may patronize subprime lenders and pay their higher interest rates because they have suffered a recent financial calamity.
The recent calamities have pushed it to the brink, aid officials said, with acute malnutrition quintupling since 1998 alone.
But in the wake of the recent calamities, his is a businessman's repentance, tempered by renewed determination.