Since then, the Mayor has made several conciliatory moves, including adding more money for social welfare and housing programs to his recent budget.
After a court battle, lawmakers last year started fully disclosing the items, which ran to $200 million in the most recent budget.
"In our most recent budget, we asked for $5 million more to speed up the modernization effort, but costs continue to increase."
Its most recent budget increased child welfare payments and some arts programs.
And the recent budget did not include a fare increase.
President Bush says he would like to raise that figure to 0.15 percent, but his most recent budget made no allowance for that.
Global maternal and child health programs must be made a priority, instead of being cut as proposed in President Bush's recent budget.
The state has not had an on-time budget in 15 years, and several recent budgets have been two to four months overdue.
Indeed, the Administration's recent budget increases funds for every major nuclear weapons system.
"It's deeper than the recent budget," she said, citing salaries as a big issue for her.