Have you seen those recent teenage autobiographies?
In Damien Hirst's recent autobiography, he described Rachel Howard as his best ever spot painting assistant.
On the other hand, Ms. Faithfull, with nearly a hundred references under the heading "drugs" in the index of her recent autobiography, has become pop's dark queen.
Regis reminded us in his recent autobiography of the chilling abuse to which he was subjected: the monkey chants, the bananas, the threats of violence.
The principal focus here is not, as in so much recent autobiography, revelation or reproach.
Barnett explained in his recent autobiography.
Wilt Chamberlain hyped his recent autobiography with a ludicrous claim that he had slept with 20,000 women.
He was portrayed less than glowingly, for the most part, in the recent autobiography of Martha Graham, to whom he was married from 1948 to 1950.
A good example of this is Philip Roth's recent autobiography, "The Facts."
Nearly all the recent autobiographies suffer from such excisions and revisions.