"We've had the most stable cabinet of any recent administration, so these are people who have become authorities," he said.
Each recent Mexican administration has had one scapegoat at the beginning to "prove" that the new president was breaking with the dishonesty of the past.
It is safe to say that no recent administration would have sponsored such a celebration.
With recent federal administrations bent on shrinking government, public spending has shifted to states and localities.
This has led recent administrations to form loose alliances while in office to govern effectively.
In the end, 49 lucky political appointees will receive the keys to an ambassador's residence, about the same as in other recent administrations.
Juwono Sudarsono, who is a former minister in the three most recent administrations, disagrees with the idea of waiting.
President Bush continues to reach past more recent Republican administrations, including his father's, to tap the team of a leader sometimes called the accidental president.
Broadly speaking, Labour has been much more sympathetic to the arts, in particular the most recent administration.
The most recent administration included the following: