Despite breaking a finger two weeks earlier, wide receiver Terrell Owens started and caught five passes for 88 yards.
Can they keep track of the dangerous receiver Terrell Owens?
Garcia clashed with wide receiver Terrell Owens in 2003 and was asked to take a substantial pay cut after the season.
Even receiver Terrell Owens weighed in, questioning the wisdom of the move.
Look for a big game from receiver Terrell Owens.
He also seemed exasperated with the distractions caused by wide receiver Terrell Owens.
Deese and receiver Terrell Owens, among other starters, sat out.
The only exception today is wide receiver Terrell Owens, who reminds everybody of his own importance.
There was some controversy about his work ethic and wide receiver Terrell Owens.
They also gave wide receiver Terrell Owens permission to seek a trade.