The artists figure they have paid more than $1 million in rent over six years, but have received little in return.
So far, the administration appears to have received little in return for its expressions of regret and interest in solving the crisis quickly.
In dropping their opposition, the Democrats ended the logjam, but may have received little in return beyond a vague promise to consider the candidates who have been held up the longest.
Not only had Bell received no help from social welfare agencies before the killings but she also had received little after her conviction.
Mexico is trying to help the United States secure its southern border and chase money-laundering leads but feels it has received little in return.
The government decides where to focus that development, and Cholla has received little.
Kerry Kittles and Rodney Rogers had also departed, and the Nets had received little in return.
It has even received little, if any attention from the scholarly men of Italy.
Workers had typically received little from filing a negligence suit, and legal costs were high.
The right to adequate clothing, also referred to as the right to clothing, has not been authoritatively defined and has received little in the way of academic commentary or international discussion.