As with the Personal Allowance, this is an amount of taxable income you can receive during the tax year without paying tax.
If it is easy for Economic Man to receive the broadcast without paying, then he will not pay.
There's no entitlement, for me or anyone else, to receive books without paying just because I happen to have a blog.
Congressional authorities estimate that about 20 million elderly taxpayers with incomes below $15,000 would receive the benefits under the program without paying the surtax.
How can I receive faxes in my home office without paying for a fax machine and phone line?
As such there is no requirement for an Excise or trade facility warehouse approval to receive or supply these products without paying the duty.
Additionally, the investor will receive cash in hand without paying the capital gains taxes that would apply to a security disposal.
Mr. Trump is accused of receiving certain Resorts' assets without paying for them.
Thus, a woman in a family of four who earns $32,500 or less a year could receive coverage without paying any premiums.
It would also extend the number of years that disabled people who work could continue to receive Medicare benefits without paying premiums.