At the moment, the city receives more than two million tourists every year.
Before the war Montenegro received nearly half a million foreign tourists each year.
For 2005, the county received 3.3 million tourists, with the majority of them visitors from within the province.
There are just 60,000 inhabitants left in the city, but it receives more than 16.5 million tourists a year.
Haikou received 4.11 million tourists in 2002, up 7.99 percent from 2001.
In 2000 the country received 2.4 million tourists; recent years have seen the number cut in half.
Tibet received 2.5 million tourists in 2006, including 150,000 foreigners.
The country is now receiving more tourists than before.
These cities are those that receive more tourists in Guerrero.
Since tourism facilities have been added, the islands now receive more than 50,000 tourists each year.