Jackson received 15 cents for each admission past 1.6 million.
By 1996, a family with two or more children is scheduled to receive 40 cents for every dollar earned up to $8,900.
Creditors in this group would receive 60 cents on the dollar.
Depositors could end up not receiving 100 cents for every $1 in their accounts.
Women, actually the number I have is: receive 72 cents for every dollar a man receives in a comparable job.
The class A holders will receive 43 cents of warrants for each share.
Vendors receive 75 cents for every $1 paper they sell.
In addition, consumers will receive 50 cents per line credit each month until December 1988.
This year, the charity will receive 94 cents on the dollar.
For her efforts, she received five cents a month, four of which went into the collection plate at church.