He dressed magnificently, [and] had several jewels' and was clearly receiving 'large remittances, but made no other figure'.
Negative thing is that people receiving remittances can easily become dependent on migrants who earn money abroad.
Very recently this has also included receiving remittances from those working outside the region.
Furthermore, families who receive remittances tend to have a higher financial status.
Customers can now wire money, receive remittances, pay for purchases and service their credit, all through their mobile phones.
The area also receives substantial foreign remittances from the large number of people from here working in the Gulf countries.
Many families receive remittances from relatives working on South Tarawa or overseas.
Several people who receive remittances from relatives in the United States said they could not survive otherwise.
Many of them receive remittances from family or friends living abroad.
A large segment of working people work in Arab countries and the village receives large remittances there.