A fortunate encounter while in his first command brought him a valuable prize, while political influence ensured he received prime postings.
General Costa Gomes quickly rose through the ranks and received postings abroad.
This period saw rapid changes in Ottoman administration including numerous high-ranking officials receiving their higher education and postings in the Western nations.
Over the next sixteen years they received postings in Ireland, England, Malta and Gibraltar.
Spear returned to Britain after the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars, and received postings to a number of ships.
Family friends and connections may have helped him receive new postings, and he was promoted to lieutenant during the Seven Years' War.
He received minor postings and achieved the rank of admiral before retiring aged 65 in 1906.
Two half brothers who fell out years ago receive postings to the same carrier vessel.
He married in 1718 and, because of a strong family friendship with Governor Charles de Beauharnois, he received favorable postings and promotions.
He also received postings in Calcutta (now Kolkata), Pakistan and Turkey.