Sometimes the Church received these as donations, and others it purchased.
Goodall has received many honours for her environmental and humanitarian work, as well as others.
Certain things you have already received from us,' she said, using the royal plural, 'and if God wills it, you will receive others.
The parties give back their betrothal rings and receive others worn on their index fingers.
As we receive these complaints and others, we are trying to address them.
In the summer of 1984 Jensen received his first cover assignment, which went well enough for him to receive others immediately after this.
The assignment mechanism is the explanation for why some units received the treatment and others the control.
They know how to enter a room, receive others and converse at dinner with unimpeachable conviviality.
It is probably that this building was used by priests or rulers to receive visitors, petitioners and others.
Some of them received negative feedback, and others, positive and supportive feedback.