In the study, 11,130 women without any signs or symptoms of breast cancer received screening mammograms and a breast examination from January 1995 to September 2000.
Expense Analyzed In the New York study, about 13,000 women received mammograms and about 13,000 did not.
Increasingly, black women are just as likely as whites to have received mammograms.
Another concern of employees expressed at the meeting was that younger women were only offered ultrasound examinations while older women were receiving mammograms.
Ms. Harris said fewer women were receiving regular mammograms than in the past.
The FDA is concerned that women will believe these misleading claims about thermography and not receive needed mammograms.
Women taking estrogen products are cautioned to have yearly breast exams, perform monthly breast self-exams and receive periodic mammograms.
Dr. von Eschenbach restated the federal government's position, announced last week, that women older than 40 should receive mammograms every one to two years.
By contrast, the number of women in the state receiving mammograms is increasing.
Women will be given a completed insurance form, and those without insurance will also receive mammograms, she said.