He had grown up close to the Bell family and was well received in their home.
Therefore instead of a free hospital bed they are charged to receive care in their own home.
For example, the family might have requested to receive services for the child at a day care center or in their home.
Mr Horlick added that the cap might not work as well for those who received care in their own home.
But I do assure you that it is a satisfaction to me to receive you in my humble home.
Dr. Vartan first received patients in his own home.
I appreciate as well your receiving me in your home on such short notice.
Illiterate peasants could see their leader had been received in the Prime Minister's home.
However Wallins interest in art, which he had received in his parents' home, led him to begin to draw and to paint portraits.
He smiled- the same, gracious, confident, and condescending glint- as if he were receiving us in his home.