The principal altar receives illumination from two windows placed in the back side of the church.
Thought processes and mental events are conscious only to the extent they receive illumination from Purusha.
The room was in darkness save for that single corner where only a shining tabletop received illumination.
The inner walls receive illumination for 30% of a lunar day, while part of the western end of the crater is in permanent shadow.
Some sites along Shackleton's rim receive almost constant illumination.
Instead, Justin came to believe, one must receive illumination through the spirit of God descending from above-the same spirit that had possessed the Christian martyrs in the amphitheater.
And I lifted up the wand upon her in the nine-and-forty-fold benediction, and she received illumination thereof, and rejoiced.
In Sufi tradition, Khiḍr has come to be known as one of those who receive illumination direct from God without human mediation.
The apparent small size was only an illusion caused by distance; Hadley received as much illumination from its hotter sun as Earth does from Sol.
Following public works to maintain the walls in 1985, the building received electrical illumination in the exterior in 1988.