If a visitor site connects to a pay site and signs up for content, it receives a conversion fee from the larger site.
In addition, the site whose user buys an item also receives 1 percent of the purchase price from the site that posted the auction.
Members are also unable to sell or give away merchandise received from the site and must destroy any items that they do not wish to keep.
I have just received a communique from the site of Za Hara-at.
The film received a positive review from the site, Comic films.
The receiving site is every other site which is receiving the request from the requesting site.
However, his post was removed and he was received a ban from the site.
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani said yesterday that every family would receive something from the site.
Nubian pharaohs received legitimacy from the site.
The album also received a "Best New Music" designation from the site.